Stepping out into the wild and beautiful unknown. Brendan’s genesis NFT collection on Sloika.


“A New Path,” my genesis NFT collection, marks a milestone and turning point in my life. On February 1, 2022, I woke up in a new reality: I had resigned from my previous job— which I had thought would be a lifelong career— to strike out into the unknown as a full-time photographer. Two days later, I was on a plane to Seattle: my first travel photography gig. The pictures in this collection have their origin in that trip, the very first of my new career. Each image is deeply personal to me, and captures the joy and fear of stepping into the unknown.

  • To The Future

    Self-portraits are difficult when you’re on a solo trip. So is stepping out into an unknown future. But here’s the thing: the future is where all your dreams are. So get eyes on the horizon, and go for it.

  • Excelsior

    “Ever upward!” is what the word “excelsior” means, and it captures both the spirit of this shot, and my desire for my future in photography. After hours of waiting, I was getting ready to leave when the clouds parted over Mount Pershing, enabling me to catch this dramatic shot. Patience is the key to the climb.

  • Ride The Wave

    Sometimes the perfect picture takes time. In this case, an hour of endlessly snapping shots of crashing waves culminated in this breathtaking moment when a huge swell broke over the rocks… and the sea birds didn’t seem to mind one bit. A parable of stepping out into an uncertain future.

  • Creation's Canvas

    Why am I a photographer? Because of scenes like this. Creation is the canvas upon which God paints his art, and my privilege as a photographer is to capture a glimpse of his work and add my own interpretation. It’s a dream come true to chase beauty full-time.

  • Wild And Free

    Moments like this are what I live for: the sea spray drifting in off the coast creating layers of landscape, a kaleidoscope of colors, and a haunting emptiness. This scene from Kalaloch Beach captures the spirit of freelance photography: wild and free beautiful.

  • Grow

    Standing in front of the largest Sitka spruce tree in the world feels to me like symbolism. I see so much growth in my past, and I hope for more growth in my future. I know it takes time, but I'm eager to begin this adventure!

  • Connections

    There’s a story behind this breathtaking view of Seattle at dawn. On the last day of my trip, I made my way to Kerry Park, a famous overlook of the city, in hopes of getting a sunrise shot. To my surprise, the tiny park was crowded with other photographers (apparently I wasn’t the only one who had that idea). I was initially disappointed, but I ended up having some great conversations and did some networking. I was reminded that connections are what this journey is all about.

  • Into The Woods

    This fairy tale picture was challenging to shoot. I got up at dawn, hiked into the rainforest, left the trail, fell down multiple times, and lost my lens cap over a cliff. Was it worth it? Yes!

  • Light My Way

    My future in photography is calling— I see the dream, and I want to follow it. I want to chase the light, and live in the light, and breathe in the beauty. Thanks for joining me on this journey!